Every day is a new beginning. A chance to help your child develop his or her highest potential and strongest foundation for learning. Your child’s journey to success begins here. You’re here because you instinctively know what science continues to demonstrate: young children thrive on music. Experience a Kindermusik music class with your child and see why we’re the world’s leading music-and-movement program for children in early childhood. And, as we say, a good beginning never ends.


毎日が新しいスタートです!お子様の学習能力の確固とした基礎と高いポテンシャルを構築するチャンスです。 キンダーミュージックの音楽クラスを御体験いただくことによって何故キンダーミュージックがこの幼児向けリトミックの業界でトップの地位にいることを御理解いただけると思います。


About Us  当クラスは

About Us  当クラスは

Trusted. Proven. Educational. And of course, fun! Our studio is proud to offer Kindermusik, the world's leading provider of music and movement programs for young children! For the further inquiries, please contact kindermusikwithmissmandy@gmail.com 信用され、証明され、教育的で何よりも楽しいクラス!当クラスでは世界的に普及しているお子様向け音楽と運動の教室、キンダーミュージックのクラスをご提供いたします。 ご質問等は kindermusikwithmissmandy@gmail.com までお気軽にご連絡ください。

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Classes  クラス

Classes  クラス

Our music and movement classes provide research-based activities that stimulate your child's growing mind and body. Find out more about our classes for babies and toddlers! リサーチに基づき構成されている音楽と運動のカリキュラムは幼児のこれからの学習能力の土台を築くものとなっております。

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Benefits 利点

Benefits 利点

Psychologists, scientists, and experts in early childhood development have demonstrated that music does more than bring children joy; it helps their brain cells make the connections needed for every kind of intelligence. 心理学者や科学者そして各エキスパート達は幼少期の成長において音楽はただ楽しいものではなく、知能発達のために必要なつながりを脳細胞が作ると証明しています。

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Kindermusik Classes

Kindermusik Classes

Having fun is just the beginning! Our award-winning curricula and world-class educators provide engaging musical learning experiences during the years most critical to brain development.

Explore Our Classes

Our studio is Kindermusik Accredited.

This designation certifies that we have undergone rigorous training, tests, and more in order to offer Kindermusik’s curricula. What that means for you is that your teacher(s) is well-versed in early childhood development and is sincerely committed to igniting a desire to learn through the power of music and movement.

Kindermusik Licensed Educator

He likes to come to a place where he can experience music in the world around him with all of his senses with friends and kids his own age

- Jamie Pierce
Kindermusik Parent

I cannot say enough about the program; everything has encouraged any sort of interaction. Kids are allowed to be whoever they want to be and we just love it. It is a great time for us to be together.

- Sarah Emanuel
Kindermusik Parent